Sunday, September 11, 2011

I am a Starbucks junkie. Everyone knows that. It is bad. I seriously think I may have a problem. Venti skinny cinnamon dolce lattes. Zebra mochas with a peppermint shot. Passionfruit iced tera with raspberry sweetener. Chai tea lattes. Toffee mocha frappachinos. You get the idea. It is really funny when you walk in and they are like "Hey Kaitlyn, how are you?!" and the guy behind you in his suit looks at your like oh my god are you kidding me?! It makes me giggle. They can never spell my name right though. Is it really that hard to spell "KAITLYN" why do you spell it Caitlin or Katlin or Katlyn or Catlin or Katilynn or however you are spelling it. I don't think it's that hard to spell it right, but oh well.

Complicated Starbucks orders: Hmm... Who walks in to the store and orders the most complicated thing they can possibly think of? Raise your hand if it is you. If you raised your hand- I am laughing at you. You are sitting in front of your computer raising your hand. That looks funny. Back to the orders! Do you ever walk in and say "Hi, I'll have a tall half-skinny half-1 percent extra hot split quad shot (two shots decaf, two shots regular) latte with whip" If you do this, I think that you MAY have a bigger problem than I do. Or what about something like "I want a double Risteretto venti nonfat organic chocolate brownie frappaccino extra hot with foam and whipped cream upside down double blended." If you do that, well then you seriously have a problem. You should consider getting that checked. Who can come up with the most complicated order!? Comment and tell me or shoot me an email.. maybe you will get a prize or something (;

I love laying in bed all day just because you can. During the week I always have to wake up so early, it is a luxury to be able to sleep in until eight. I love waking up early and being all cozy in bed and falling back asleep or going and making tea. Lipton Brisk or Vanilla. Yum. Pajama days are the best. Especially when you are cuddling with someone else watching good movies.

First post. Woohoo! You guys still have no idea who I am. I guess I will answer some really stupid questions so you at least feel like you kind of know me. I am answering a list of 40 random questions so forgive me if one of them is so incredibly stupid (chances are there will be a few)

  1. Do you sleep with the closet door closed or open: Closed. I still feel like something is going to jump out and eat me if it is open. Is that weird?
  2. Do you take the shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels: Only if they have really good shampoo.
  3. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out: OUT. For some reason when they are tucked in I feel like I am wearing a straight jacket or something. It is suffocating
  4. Have you ever stolen a street sign before: No. I have no reason to steal a street sign haha
  5. Do you like to use Sticky Notes: I love them. They are everywhere in my room.
  6. Do you cut coupons out and never use them: I have definitely done that before. I don't really grocery shop though
  7. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees: Neither. Both are horrible choices. But- Bees die after they sting you once and a bear is still going to be alive after they bite you once. 
  8. Do you have freckles: Yes i do! Not a TON but I've definitely got a few.
  9. Do you always smile for pictures: Yes I do.
  10. Biggest pet peeves: giant backpacks, people who intentionally act like they are two, being late, cold feet, when your phone dies and you can't use it, when guys are mean to girls.. i've got a few
  11. Do you ever count the steps you walk: If I am really bored.
  12. Have you ever peed in the woods: No. I refuse.
  13. Have you ever pooped in the woods: Never. Not happening.
  14. Do you never dance when no music is playing: Sometimes just to mess around. I love dancing with people when there is no music actually
  15. Do you chew on your pens and pencils: Constantly. It is a really bad habit of mine
  16. What is the size of your bed: I have a little bed...
  17. How many people did you hug yesterday: Probably like 10
  18. What is your song of the week: Bring Me Flower- Hope. Just found it and it is kinda cute
  19. Is it okay for guys to wear pink: Of course
  20. Do you still watch cartoons: When i feel like it
  21. What is your least favorite movie: The Hannah Montana movie
  22. Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some: My secret bench.
  23. What do your drink for dinner: Agua
  24. What do you dip a chicken nugget in: RANCHHHH
  25. Favorite food: I love mexican and chinese
  26. Were you ever a girl scout: I was actually! Oh the good old days
  27. Ever ran out of gas: Never
  28. Ever gotten a speeding ticket: Nope. Cops never catch me being speed racer. I drive safe.
  29. What is your bedtime: I don't have one.
  30. Do you ever sing in the car: If I'm in a really happy mood!
  31. Do you wear slippers: I like my little slipper booties. I wear them all the time
  32. Hot tea or cold tea: Usually hot tea, I like both
  33. Coffee addict: Yes. Definitely. It is a problem
  34. Favorite color: Pink or tiffany blue
  35. Do you want to get married: I think I do!
  36. Do you want kids: I want 3- 2 boys and a baby girl
  37. Fruit or veggies: Fruit
  38. Are you stubborn: You have no idea.... haha it is another problem of mine
  39. Do you like pet names: Depends on who is giving me the pet name and my relationship with them. I hate being called honey though
  40. Have you ever taken a language class: Spanish and French

Feel like you know me a little better now?? I told you they were stupid questions but now you know 40 random facts about me. We are getting closer already!